Artist Provocateur



I create speculative fiction.

My work is often placed in the genre of “political art.”  I don’t deny the term because creating work in passionate reaction to one’s social and economic surroundings is political.  I make artworks that powerfully, unashamedly, sometimes sarcastically, and often ironically debate contemporary American political and social policies.

I create speculative fiction.

“Cat these works are magnificant!!  They are fresh, modern and very creative! I love the technique and composition of the works!  Bravo to You!!!  Keep up the amazing work!!!!!

William Braemer, Director-Art Fusion Galleries, Miami, FL.

“Cat Manolis takes a tough topic—questions about gun control and ownership rights—and spills it directly onto her brightly colored, ornately decorated canvases. Scenery and characters reminiscent of traditional English hunting portraits blend and blur into elements of our contemporary life, creating a fascinating whirlwind of imagery, excess, and political satire. We, as viewers, are drawn in by the startling and strange imagery—yet the bigger questions, ever more timely in light of the shootings at Newtown, Aurora, and elsewhere, leave us unsettled.  Who is exempt from Manolis’s provocative sarcasm and wit? She keeps us guessing, talking—and, more importantly, keeps us looking.
Jennifer Dasal, Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, North Carolina Museum of Art